A Fraction of My Life

Today, July 30, 2023, is one of the worst days of my life.

My sweet Seven has crossed the rainbow bridge. I am only finding some comfort knowing that she is reunited with the love of her life, Rigatony, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 16 (pictured below). Seven (named after the Star Trek Voyager character) was a year old when I adopted her from the NYC ASPCA Adoption Center on July 2, 2005, and lived for 19 years. She was in pain, and while I have been here twice before, the decision to euthanize is never an easy one. She peacefully passed away in my arms. Logically, I know this was humane. Emotionally, my heart and soul are broken.

My home is not the same. I feel lost. This first dinner without her was difficult for me and Selina; I experienced a panic attack. Nine years ago, I wrote here on this blog how she helped me overcome a lifelong fear through love and I will be eternally grateful. As someone else once conveyed about our beloved furry children, their only flaw is that they live for a fraction of our lives. Indeed. I will forever miss my sweet Seven. Please be there to greet me in the afterlife as you did so many times when I returned home.


I wanted to also share this Ted Talk about Pet loss and bereavement. Please share it as I think it can help many to understand their feelings. https://youtu.be/TkJGhQANjZo

#AdoptDontShop #Cats #PetBereavement #ASPCA


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