1. I thank you one million times for recognizing what I want to achieve with this blog: to present a wide-range of topics, with sprinkles of my own art art work and hopefully inspire intelligent thought and conversation. The lack of coherent discussion has been my biggest disappointment with social media—I was always hoping to connect with different people in different parts of the country and the world and exchange ideas, instead I have mostly found uninformed vitriol. While I have a web site since 1999 (http://edwinroman.com/), this blog is only one month old. I don’t feel worthy of this nomination. But I am very humbled and grateful. I hope you continue to read.

      1. I am thrilled this award means as much to you as it does to me too! That already is confirmation I nominated the right one! 🙂 Thank you and please do keep on sharing, I will continue reading!! (As well as keeping an eye on your website I have now checked out! 🙂 )

      1. Now it is I that am humbled! Thanks so much Edwin. I will let you know when I get it all together. What’s the best email for you? If you wish to avoid it being in my comments please drop me a line at moorezart@hotmail.com Thanks so much!

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